Nätverk & Datacenter
What kind of servers are you using?
Our servers have dual Xeon E5520 2.26 GHz Quad Core Processors
We run CentOS 5.5 Enterprise Linux x86.
The servers have 12 GB of DDR2 or DDR3 RAM.
The connection speed on our servers is 100 mbps (mega bits per second).
We also have RAID10 and instant weekly backups of your content.

100mbps constant.
Is the connection on our servers 100mbps up and down or just 100mbps total
100mbps both up and down
Server Monitoring

In addition to a fully redundant network and top of the line data centers, Webhall24 system administrators monitor all servers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Servers are monitored and issues are acted upon before they become serious. Additionally, the network and datacenters are monitored and managed by on-site technicians dedicated to ensuring maximum uptime and reliability.
Web sites hosted with webbhall24 are accessible via a fully meshed and redundant Certified Cisco Network feature 10 backbone and fiber providers including